Painting With Watercolor, Part 2


This is the second blog post where I highlight some of the watercolor paintings I've been working on. Be sure to check out the first post if you haven't already. 

Paintings 12-22: March - August 2021

12. Roller Skater

Strathmore 467-8, wood based, 140 lbs/300 gsm cold press.

Although cellulose paper is tough to glaze, you can still paint wet on wet. One of the advantages for cellulose paper is it lifts really easily!

13.  Figure Painting

Arches,100% cotton paper, 140 lbs/300gsm cold press
Made the switch from pulp paper to 100% cotton paper.
What I've learned, not a good idea to be jumping back and forth from cotton to non-cotton paper as a beginner, it's like learning all over again.  Arche's is thirsty paper but this allows you more work time and takes some getting used to.

14. Birds (Sketchbook)

Saunders, 100% cotton paper, 140 lbs/300gsm cold press
I get anxiety every time I start a new painting. A watercolor sketchbook helps make me feel like it's practice and it's ok to experiment. I would suggest using similar paper to what you'll be doing your final painting on.
After trying 4 different 100% cotton paper sketchbooks with good reviews, all being mediocre at best, I found the best and most cost efficient is to make your own. Or should I say pay $8 for Office depot or Staples to put it together for you. Buy a pad of Arches watercolor paper and have them cut it in half and bind. You get good paper and it's cheaper!

15.  Figure Painting Tourist Couple

Arches,100% cotton paper, 140 lbs/300gsm cold press 
I had a difficult time sketching this out, found it easier to print the reference out at the size I'm painting and the proportions came out much easier.
It's taking me awhile but I'm starting to get a grip on the amount of pigment to water ratio. Next step I believe is to understand the flow of water and predict the outcome, little to no surprises is the goal. 

16. Guy Riding a Onewheel Electric Skateboard

Arches,100% cotton paper, 140 lbs/300gsm cold press 
I find I like the look of a single wash covering as much as possible rather than painting in sections.

17. Panda With Boombox (From My Panda Lineup Design)

Arches,100% cotton paper, 140 lbs/300gsm cold press 

18. Alien Jam

Arches,100% cotton paper, 140 lbs/300gsm cold press 

19.Tweedledee and Tweedledum Sketch

Arches,100% cotton paper, 140 lbs/300gsm cold press 

20. Dude in Leather Jacket

Arches,100% cotton paper, 140 lbs/300gsm cold press 
This was my first painting that felt like it wasn't a struggle to paint.

21. Old Dude

Arches,100% cotton paper, 140 lbs/300gsm cold press 

22.Sax Player

Arches,100% cotton paper, 140 lbs/300gsm cold press 
It's taken over a year but I'm slowly being able to predict what the paints will do. 

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  • Anonymous on

    Sorry for the late reply, just figured out I don’t get messaged when people comment. Thanks for the kind words Dok!

  • Dok on

    Alright Mister, you need to stop all this right now. You’re getting too good too fast. The Old Dude (that’s ageist btw), Tweedledee, and Roller Skater – those three in particular are highly annoying. Respect the learning curve, pal. Also? More please.

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